BS Business 课程描述

Acc 201 – Principles of Accounting I (3学时) 
An introduction to financial accounting that explains the accounting principles and procedures used to record and report economic events of a business entity. Financial accounting focuses on the preparation of accounting information for users outside the business entity.

Acc 202 – Principles of Accounting II (3学时)
A continuation of the introduction to financial accounting principles and an introduction to managerial accounting. Managerial accounting focuses on the preparation and use of ac- counting information by management. 前提条件:Acc 201.

BAd 103 – Introduction to Software 应用程序s (3学时) 
Survey of the Windows operating system and business software applications, 包括文字处理, 电子表格, 演讲, 数据库软件. Fulfills computer competency for Business or Accounting majors.

B第301条-商法 (3学时)
A basic course dealing with the history and operation of the law, 合同法, and some description of other important segments of law useful to business 学生. Prerequisite: Junior status or permission.

B公元318年-商业统计 (3学时) 
Fundamental concepts and methods of statistics covering frequency distributions, measures of central tendency and dispersion, 概率, 概率分布, 抽样, 估计, 统计质量控制, quantitative decision making, 假设检验, 相关分析, 回归分析, and non-parametric statistics. Prerequisite: Mth 113 or equivalent.

BAd 405 – Management Information Systems (3学时) 
Examination of information needs of a business and how to plan, 设计, and implement a system to meet those needs. 前提条件:高级.

B公元499年-商业政策 (3学时) 
A capstone case course with an emphasis on integrating the various functional areas of business. 随着案例的讨论, consideration is given to topics such as decision making, 战略规划, 组织理论. Prerequisites: Senior status, Fin 308, Mgt 306, and Mkt 307.

Eco 201 – Economic Concepts I (Macroeconomics) (3学时) 
An introduction to the functions of an economic system with an emphasis on income determination and government policy.

Eco 202 – Economic Concepts II (Microeconomics) (3学时) 
An introduction to the functions of an economic system with an emphasis on decision- making by individuals and firms in a market economy.

金融概念 (3学时) 
An introduction to the basic principles, concepts and analytical techniques of finance. Major topics include financial analysis and planning, 营运资金管理, 资本预算, 资金成本, 以及资金来源. Prerequisites: Acc 201; BAd 103, 311; Eco 201 and 202.

Mgt 306 – Management Concepts (3学时) 
The study of principles of management focused around a central core of planning, 组织, 导演, 控制, 和人员. Prerequisite: Sophomore status.

市场营销307 -营销概念 (3学时) 
The study of the principles of marketing around the themes of product, price, place, and promotion. Prerequisite: Sophomore status.